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    Hixon Writing Center


    Regular availability for one-to-one appointments with our Writing Specialists and peer tutors will resume at the beginning of fall term (September 29th). 

    We currently have dedicated support available for Caltech and JPL SURFers. SURFers who are interested in support can find details here. 


    The physical space of our center remains closed due to COVID-19. 





    We're here to help.

    All writers benefit from sharing a work-in-progress, and our staff is ready to support your work. We can offer feedback, guidance, and reliable information about academic writing, as well as a chance to think aloud about your written work. 

    Let's get started.

    You can consult with us about writing at any stage—from nascent ideas to nearly-finished papers. To make an appointment, log in to the Writing Center Scheduler via Access. 



    What to expect when you meet with us

    Every one-to-one meeting is a little different, because each writer has a unique project. We'll help you set some goals for the session and then work together to reach your goals. Activities like brainstorming, modeling, reading aloud, or mapping out ideas on whiteboards are common in our conversations.

    How does it help?

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    Resources for writing

    Meeting with us isn't the only way to improve your writing. Check out our resources page for reliable information, guidance, and models of academic writing. You can also email us if you have a specific question about academic writing.

    Get to know us.

    Our staff members are trained in a wide range of academic disciplines, but we all have expertise in academic writing. We also share a passion for helping writers achieve their goals. Our online bios will tell you more about who we are.



    Follow us on Instagram!

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